Networking Basics - 5 Things You Need to Know

Are you just getting started with building your network? These basic networking concepts will get you started in the right way. Then I will share with you the 5 things you need to know in order to start building your network. Its basic networking concepts:

1. How will you find your contacts? Networking is something you have to constantly do to get the benefits. Is there weekly or monthly events you can attend in your local area? Could you start your own networking event?

2. What's in it for them? What benefit you can offer your new contact? It is a referral fee? Can you send customers your way? Can you offer a discount on your product or service? How will you keep track of referrals? It could be as simple as a spreadsheet, so that you ask every client how they are.

3. Collect your contact details. Be sure to collect your contact details. You do not want to be waiting for them to contact you, this will allow you to be in control. And it leads me to my next point.

4. Follow up and keep in touch regularly. Set aside time each week to go with your new contacts. This build rapport and keeps you in front of your mind whenever you are with someone who may need your product or service. Track could be a call every Monday morning, you can add a monthly lunch or coffee to the mix. The emails are fine, but try not to make contact every week. You want your contact to hear the passion and excitement in his voice when talking about your product or service, this is very difficult to transport and email or message.

5. Make sure they have your contact details. In most cases everything possible to have a card in hand. You can also ask permission to add this person on Facebook, this should be in place however. Your new contact has to know how to contact you when they have business for you. If you can do both on Facebook as a business card, even better.

These are just some of the basic networking concepts that will help you get started. Networking when done correctly is the best way to build your business long term, it costs very little to start and is based on relationships. Customers usually only buy from people they know like and trust.

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